
Mission and Vision

  • ESS’s ‘WHY’ is to foster a feeling of pride by utilizing the technical knowledge and experience for the benefit of society through consulting in various areas and innovation in the field. Our mission is to reach out to all clients and work with them hand to hand for understanding their problem, requirement and solve the same with utmost excellence in the field; having the feeling that ESS belongs to them and their problems belongs to ESS, and to provide the client a peace of mind.
  • Explore all types of industries for power quality challenges and strengthen ESS to innovate and develop products for solving almost every issue till prototyping it and transferring to interested manufacturers.
  • With this venture ESS desires to create web based knowledge networking site, where ESS share its technical white papers and ESS website users will have access to connect to experts (Internal as well as External) for technical chat.
  • To have free educational sections for emerging engineers on our website.
  • We are aiming to be known as one of the best power quality consultant having >500 satisfied customer base, and referred by 25 electrical consultants by end of Yr 2016.